Message from the Program Director

Welcome to the Albany Medical College's General Surgery Residency Program.

Our training program is fully accredited by the ACGME and prides itself on providing a well-rounded and comprehensive education. Our residents receive exposure to all areas within General Surgery, encompassing inpatient care, outpatient clinics, operative breadth, and the didactic curriculum.

As the busiest Level 1 trauma center in New York State, Albany Medical Center serves as a tertiary referral center for upstate New York and is a provider of elective general surgery primary care for the significantly populated local community. The operative case volume exceeds the American Board of Surgery and ACGME index case requirements in all areas.

Our program strives to provide consistent, graduated autonomy to our residents, both in and out of the operating room, thus enhancing ability, confidence and independence upon graduation. All residents attend outpatient clinics with our faculty, gaining experience in the initial diagnosis and postoperative care of the surgical patient and maximizing continuity whenever possible. We provide a minimum of five hours of weekly protected time dedicated to didactics, education, and simulation.

We have a focused commitment on resident health and wellness. Faculty mentoring, in both basic science and clinical research, is available to all residents through all five years of the program. Upon completion of their residencies, our graduates are capable of entering private practice, while those pursuing fellowships have achieved highly desirable positions throughout the country.

We feel that our program produces surgeons who ultimately graduate and perform their art with strong ability, professionalism, humility, safety, and with a focus on scholarly activity and lifelong learning. I hope you will strongly consider Albany Medical College for your training in General Surgery.


Jessica Zaman, MD
Program Director
General Surgery Residency Program

Department of Surgery
Albany Medical College
47 New Scotland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208