The one-year fellowship exposes the fellow to all aspects of colon and rectal surgery. The clinical experience is designed as a mentorship model with the fellow rotating with all faculty members. The fellow participates in the care of patients in all settings: outpatient office, hospital-based consultations­ (both inpatient services and the Emergency Department), endoscopy, and surgical procedures in both the inpatient operating room and outpatient surgery center. All faculty members are experienced with, and routinely perform, minimally invasive techniques, including laparoscopy and robotic surgery. They also perform Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM), TAMIS, TaTME, sacral nerve stimulator placement and single-site surgery, and they seek to remain on the leading edge of colon and rectal surgery.



Fellow operative caseload (per year, on average):

  • 225-250 major abdominal procedures
  • 150-170 anorectal operative procedures
  • 200-250 colonoscopies

There is a comprehensive didactic program throughout the year to enhance the clinical experience, which includes:

  • Core Curriculum conference
  • Departmental Grand Rounds
  • GI Tumor Board
  • Journal Club
  • Morbidity and Mortality conference
  • Pathology conference
  • Teaching rounds

Fellows also receive instruction in radiology techniques and interpretation as they pertain to colon and rectal surgery. Anal manometry technique and interpretation will be provided through our outpatient physiology lab. A fully staffed Enterostomal Therapy Department is available in both the inpatient and outpatient settings.