Extensive Operative Experience
Our program provides excellent training in General Surgery. Residents work one-on-one with surgeons specializing in breast, colorectal, minimally invasive, pediatric, oncologic, transplant, trauma, and vascular surgery. Our residents have a superior operative experience in all areas of General Surgery. Chief Residents graduate with over 1,000 cases, with often over 350 cases performed during the Chief Resident year alone. These cases range from open hernia repair to living-related renal transplant to robot-assisted gastric bypass for obesity to Whipple resection for pancreatic lesions. Residents are first exposed to operative surgery in their intern year, with increasing levels of responsibility throughout training.
As the only academic medical center in the Capital Region and part of the region's largest health system, Albany Medical Center serves patients with complex pathology from within our 150-mile radius catchment area. Residents play a critical role in all aspects of patient care and, upon graduation, are confident practicing general surgery or moving on to the surgical subspecialty of their choice. Over the past five years, our graduates have had a 100 percent pass rate on the American Board of Surgery qualifying exam and have placed in desirable fellowship positions around the country.
See the general surgery services provided in the Albany Med Health System.
Resident Resources
About the Albany Med Health System
Albany Medical Center, the anchor of the Albany Med Health System, is one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York State offering a wide range of outstanding clinical care – from routine preventative care to sophisticated cancer and surgical care to life-saving emergency medicine – while teaching the next generation of medical providers and advancing critical biomedical research.
Living in the Capital Region
Albany is a great place to live, learn and work. It is the center of a region known for its robust economy, arts and culture, colleges and universities and recreational opportunities.
Resident Wellness
As a resident or fellow of Albany Medical Center, there are many resources available to you to help manage the demands of being a physician. Our goal is to promote work-life balance and overall wellness by advocating for you and providing you with the tools to reduce burnout, depression, and other stressors you may encounter during your training.
Distinction in Quality and Leadership
This program promotes professional success for physicians through a deeper understanding of Health Systems Science.